If anyone of us is of the opinion that a Saint is someone who spends the whole time praying or is out of touch with the modern way of doing things, the devil has successfully captured out thoughts believe it or not. Saints are not born! They become saints here on earth. Our mission on earth as human beings is to live a holy life and become saints when we die (... in fear and trembling you shall work out your salvation) Cf. Philippians 2:12. There is a lot of misery in this world that will inevitably come our way when we strive to live Christian life. Let us remember that the road to Sainthood is paved with stories of failure too. St. John Vianney (Patron Saint of priests) struggled with academics when he was training to become a priest. As a priest he had the gift of listening to confession for incredible hours. Our troubles and failures form an integral part of our daily spiritual growth to Sainthood. It takes a life time to become a Saint. No wonder they "... are the ones who have survived the time of great distress; they have washed their robes and made them white in the Blood of the Lamb." (First reading).
To become anything in this world we must dream about it. So too saints desire holiness ;strive to live holy lives and long to see the face of God. Consequently, individuals who become saints are raised by the Pope as being with God and are examples for us to follow. "Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" (Gospel reading).
It is obvious therefore, that the price of the white garment worn by saints is humiliation. We are born into the world naked so that on our journey back to God we MUST return in the white robe of holiness. Let us persevere "until the seal of the servants of God has been put on our foreheads" (First Reading). Then we too will emerge triumphant amidst the sorrows of this earth as we travel up the road to sainthood.
Happy Solemnity of all Saints.
Fr. Sam Madza, SMA