Nature is full of divine lessons that reveal God to us. The freshness or the lush of plants around us is an eloquent testimony of roles that the soil, water and sunlight play in sustaining vegetation on planet earth. Into day’s gospel Jesus reminds us that the human heart is the soil on which the Word of God is planted. Therefore, the growth of the kingdom of God takes place in the heart or soul of every Christian. More so, God’s divine plan is directly linked to our willingness to cooperate with Him (God). What kind of soil am I? Am I willing to allow the sower par excellence (Jesus) to sow the seeds of God’s kingdom in my heart? No doubt, the human heart is also the battle ground of desires; ordinate or inordinate. Hence we are sometimes reluctant to what God wants or superficial in our response to His loving invitation. Nevertheless, our God is The determined sower who never gives up sowing on the paths, rocks, thorns and good soil of our hearts. He wants us to see this and not just look. He wants us to listen to this and not just hear it. There may be a secret garden or piece of land in my heart where I do not want the Lord to sow the gospel because that is where I have been scarred by several hidden struggles for success, for fame, for survival, for healing and for growth. God gave us a heart for a reason. To know Him and love Him… Yet leaves the ultimate choice of loving Him to us.
The quality of the soil determines the kind of harvest the farmer gets. So let us work on the soil and prepare the ground for Jesus. The stones in the soil do not fall from the sky. They are from around. Thorough repentance demands that I do not throw stones into my neighbors plot when I live a glass house. We must allow the Word of God to convert us, purify us and instruct us. This is the only condition for a bumper harvest: a hundredfold, sixtyfold and thirtyfold.