The readings of today beautifully remind us that we are part of a much bigger story than we often think. We are invited to be "other-centered" with all our God-given talents and wealth, then we will join 'the humble of the land who do God's commands' (First reading). When we are humble in life, there is nothing to be afraid of. Fear steps in when our souls are arrogant, justifying our fear of everything and everyone.
Every pilgrim soul must journey on the rugged road of humility because this is where God Himself treads. It gives us the strength and the vigor we need to see the world in the light of faith. Thus, our frenzied desires to have everything in life are calmed and we can courageously say the prayer of the humble, blind soldier:
"Lord, I beg you not to take away the light of my eyes. But if it is your will that I should be deprived of it, then leave me at least, the light of my mind. But if it is your will that I be deprived of that, leave me, at least, the light of my faith". (From "stories for sermons" by Father Arthur Tonne).
Jesus will become a close companion of our journey only if we open every page of our life to him. Every time he (Jesus) sees us suffering, he gives us precepts that will help shape our Christian life and give us a bigger picture of our time on earth. No wonder all matters of great importance in the scripture are taught on the mountain so that we may all come down from the mountain leaving behind the 'bubbles' that surround our self-centered tendencies.
Dear Lord, make us poor in spirit, as we mourn for the world with meek hearts, thirsty for righteous deeds where your unfathomable mercy is needed. Make our hearts pure that we may ardently bring your peace to all who suffer to make your kingdom known. Amen.
Have a blessed Sunday.
Fr. Sam Madza, SMA